Full Year 2023 User Statistics for Arhet

#Arhet #OpenStreetMap #ImaginaryMaps

Here is detailed user summary data for the entire year 2023, for the much smaller “Arhet” map server (arhet.rent-a-planet.com). These results are ordered from highest number of objects touched to lowest number. I think number of objects touched (nodes, ways, relations) is a more meaningful way to evaluate user activity than changeset counts, which are highly variable depending on how individual users use available tools to connect to the database (iD vs JOSM, etc). Bear in mind, however, that “objects touched” includes deleted objects, so some users might be deleting more than they’re creating.

display_name user_id count_changesets count_nodes count_ways count_rels count_objects
Moskva 13 509 423693 10959 858 435510
Rustem Pasha 18 31 218103 4720 241 223064
Huachachi 66 38 188312 31302 5 219619
Martinawa 52 14 59551 20768 4468 84787
Drogda 57 333 54294 4218 151 58663
Luciano 2 30 56209 582 29 56820
plainoldbread 9 15 36098 1505 29 37632
Yongdinghe 74 12 34658 556 47 35261
RabitonScratch 36 61 32253 2457 402 35112
Eshaan011 71 177 25797 3449 158 29404
shmaiss 73 148 19644 3410 0 23054
DT_Planner 68 37 14181 247 33 14461
thermo_nuclear 59 7 11858 640 6 12504
sudo90 43 6 10313 221 15 10549
dbauti 35 26 6754 728 23 7505
Juan&don 77 11 6631 510 13 7154
InfernoOGF 76 16 5400 1185 0 6585
AustinBoath 56 22 4823 415 0 5238
Megacity2005Creator 75 33 4480 432 3 4915
ciaosamuu 65 5 1976 161 0 2137
TheSeamonster 70 31 1470 210 10 1690
nelko444 62 9 1385 267 0 1652
Geoc3ladus 38 4 1452 28 10 1490
War_Gaytime 37 3 1120 359 9 1488
Bealdbeorn 69 6 1085 284 40 1409
RobertTBS 78 1 224 22 1 247
CharlieG 31 1 77 10 0 87